Güneş Enerji Santrali (GES) Proje Geliştirme

Solar Energy Project Development

Factories/Organizations Producing Their Own Energy

Within the framework of the “Unlicensed Electricity Production Regulation in the Electricity Market,” published by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority, it is aimed that all electricity consumers who have investment opportunities will be able to produce the energy they consume from the sun or any renewable energy source.

With the said regulation; It has become possible to establish an electricity production facility in order to meet the consumption of real electricity consumers, and to sell as much as it consumes and to obtain the return on investment within reasonable periods.
It is now possible to associate the electricity generation facility on the roof of the investor with the consumption facility at a different measurement point. By making an arrangement for the unlicensed generation facilities established or to be established by OIZ legal entities to set off with the OIZ main meters, it has become possible for these facilities to reduce the direct electricity costs of the OIZ participants.

As a long-term investment independent of electricity price increases; Evaluating your own renewable energy sources, an environmentally friendly investment and a Solar Energy investment that will reduce your energy costs will be the best option for you.
As INTERCON, it is the best supporter of investors with its solar project development services. Our services;

Unlicensed Solar Energy Project Development Processes (Roof/Land)

In accordance with the Unlicensed Electricity Generation Regulation, based on self-consumption and offsetting in Rooftop SPP projects;


Roof or Terrain;

  • Performing energy consumption and energy need analyzes of consumers
  • Making installed power and capacity calculations regarding the area size
  • Calculation of the plant’s energy production
  • Making economic analysis, NPV, IRR and Return calculations for the facility
  • General layout plan and single line diagrams of the facility
  • Preparation and submission of the “Call Letter” application file to the relevant distribution company
  • Follow-up and finalization of the prepared Call Letter application from the relevant distribution companies and institutions
  • Making, monitoring and finalizing the Connection Agreement application
  • Providing technical control of the final projects that have been prepared
  • Follow-up and finalization of the approval processes of the projects
  • Preparation of technical specifications for the equipment to be used in the facilities
  • Inspection of the installation in the facilities according to the technical specifications, national and international standards
  • Providing test-inspection services to facilities and performing official acceptance procedures

(*) We also provide the necessary support for EPC (Commitment) and financing of projects.



Phone: (0216) 222 0060

Barbaros Mah. Halk Cad. Palladium Residence A Blok- No:8 A/3 Ataşehir/İstanbul

Monday - Friday 08:30 - 18:30