Importance of Energy Projects and Energy Consultancy Support

Importance of Energy Projects and Energy Consultancy Support

Energy Projects carry significant opportunities in line with the needs of the Investors and the Industry. Of course, in order to be successful in these Energy Investments and Projects, it is necessary to follow the legislation and technological developments closely. It is inevitable for organizations that do not have Energy Experts to receive Energy Consulting Services. In Energy Projects, there is a wide range of work to be done at all stages of the projects. It is necessary to carry out the necessary studies with experts from different disciplines within the framework of technical and legal legislation.

Renewable Energy Investment Projects are more popular in line with the target of increasing Turkey’s share of Renewable Energy Resources to 30% in 2023 among Energy Investment Projects. As it is known, efforts to increase electricity generation from renewable sources have gained momentum globally. 65% of global electricity production is obtained from fossil fuels and 25% from renewable energy sources, and Turkey is above the world average in terms of electricity generation rate from renewable sources. And with the potential it has, it has the opportunity to go well above the average. In recent years, Turkey is ahead of many countries in investments in the fields of Geothermal, Wind, Waste and Solar Energy, and these investments have the potential to increase further.
In order to achieve the necessary goals and receive professional service in Energy Investment Projects, it may be necessary to work with National & International organizations when necessary. Energy Consulting Service should be obtained from people who keep themselves up-to-date and who can melt local culture and global knowledge in the same pot.

Companies operating or wishing to operate in the energy market may have technical, administrative and financial consultancy needs in all processes from project development and licensing to commissioning and beyond. Therefore; Site selection for energy projects in Renewable Energy Projects (Wind, Solar, Landfill Gas, Waste, Biomass, Geothermal, Hydroelectric etc.), land ownership rights acquisition, determination of grid connection conditions, resource potential assessment, preparation of project preliminary evaluation reports, installation of measurement systems Energy Consultancy support becomes inevitable in the financing process with license application and follow-up of the process.

Energy Project Development Stages In general, it consists of the following steps:

  • Site Selection
  • Field Development Studies
  • Map and Engineering Studies
  • Measurement Studies
  • feasibility studies
  • Technical and administrative due-diligence
  • License Application
  • Allocation and/or Expropriation Processes
  • Specification and Bid Evaluation Services
  • Project Planning and Supervision Services
  • Energy Calculations and Evaluation of Data
  • Facility Installation, Maintenance and Repair Services

Renewable Energy Resource Area (YEKA), which has been recently developed for large-capacity Renewable Energy Production Investments in Turkey, is one of the two most important strategies in the field of renewable energy policies, together with “Industrial Zones”. To date, studies have been carried out in five sites (Filyos, Karasu, Karapınar, Karaman and Niğde). Among these regions, Karapınar, Karaman and Niğde are the areas that are considered to be allocated for Solar Power Plants (GES). Following the rapid developments on the subject carried out by the General Directorate of Renewable Energy (YEGM) and the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (BSTB), the YEKA Regulation (Regulation) was published in its new form (the old regulation was published in the Official Gazette dated 27 November 2013 and numbered 28834).

Energy moves towards Turkey’s rapidly developing energy needs become a role model for the EU and other foreign countries, especially YEKA. The steps taken by Turkey in YEKA projects have left their mark on the energy summits held in many countries.
In YEKA projects, the main purpose is not only to establish power plants, but also for the domestic development of renewable energy technologies.

Stating that, within the framework of domestic and renewable energy policy, domestic product quality and panel production will increase with YEKA projects, the production of cell technologies will be brought to Turkey with the R&D center to be established.

Turkey, which has risen in the world rankings in Energy Investment Projects, is particularly open to new investments and initiatives in this field.