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50 Billion Dollars have been invested in Turkey in the Energy Sector in the Last 2 Years!

Energy is the lifeblood of the modern world. For countries to develop and grow, it is essential to have access to a continuous and reliable source of energy. Turkey, with this awareness, has been making significant investments in the energy sector in recent years.

The total amount of investments made in the energy sector in Turkey in the last 2 years has reached 50 billion dollars. These investments are of great importance for Turkey’s goals of reducing its external dependence on energy, increasing its energy security, and expanding the use of renewable energy sources.


Investment Distribution by Sector:

Renewable Energy: Solar and wind energy investments have been increasing rapidly in Turkey in recent years. As of the end of 2023, Turkey’s installed solar power capacity has exceeded 8 GW, and its wind power capacity has exceeded 10 GW. Thanks to these investments, the share of renewable sources in Turkey’s energy production is increasing every day.

Electricity Generation and Transmission Lines: Turkey’s electricity generation capacity has increased with significant investments in recent years. In addition to new thermal power plants, electricity generation facilities based on renewable energy sources are also being established. In addition, the electricity transmission infrastructure has been strengthened by significant investments. These investments have made Turkey’s electricity grid more reliable and flexible.

Natural Gas Pipelines and Storage Facilities: Turkey meets most of its natural gas needs through imports. Therefore, investments in natural gas pipelines and storage facilities are of strategic importance. In recent years, significant investments have been made in this area as well, and Turkey’s natural gas supply security has increased.

Investment Impacts:

External Energy Dependence Decreased: Thanks to the investments made in recent years, Turkey’s external dependence on energy has decreased. In 2023, Turkey’s external energy dependence rate decreased to 70%.

Energy Security Increased: Investments have also increased Turkey’s energy supply security. With its increased production capacity and diversified energy sources, Turkey has become more resistant to possible energy crises.

Economic Development Supported: Energy investments also contribute to Turkey’s economic development. Investments have created new job opportunities and increased the country’s national income.

In conclusion, the investments made in the energy sector in Turkey in the last two years are of great importance for the country’s energy security and economic development. Thanks to these investments, Turkey is becoming a stronger and more independent country in terms of energy.